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Victoria Beckham Answers Your Burning Beauty Questions

Stop right now, Victoria Beckham is here to share her expertise when it comes to the world of beauty and lifestyle! Get Victoria's two cents on skincare, fitness, makeup trends and everything in between.

Released on 12/20/2023


[upbeat music]

[Crew Member] Mark.

[clapperboard clicks]

Hi Allure, I'm Victoria Beckham,

and I am gonna be answering your beauty questions.

[laid back music]

If I feel stressed,

or even before I am stressed,

I like to sit under my LED light,

holding my crystals, meditating.

My makeup is very organized,

but if you were to ask my husband,

he would say it's chaos.

It's organized chaos.

I know where everything is.

I'm meticulous,

and make sure that my brushes are cleaned every few days.

So in my mind, I'm very organized.

In my husband's, it's chaos.

But I know where everything is.

[laid back music]

The most important step, with regards to skincare,

would be your cleanser,

because I think it's very important

to make sure that you are cleansing your skin

and prepping your skin for what comes next.

So making sure that you clean your makeup off correctly,

making sure that your skin is clean and clear

before applying your serum,

and then your cell-rejuvenating, priming moisturizer.

[laid back music]

Gosh, I always do my own glam.

Occasionally I have the luxury of having a makeup artist,

but quite often I do my own makeup.

And after so many years of sitting in the glam chair

and working with the best professionals,

I've learned a few tips and tricks

so I could do my own makeup.

[laid back music]

Overdrawn lips.

Now, that's a tricky one,

because I think as long as you overdraw them

in a natural way,

to give yourself a fuller pout,

I think that that is good.

I don't like it when the lip line is too heavy

and too fake-looking.

So I think it's about balance,

but definitely to create the illusion of a fuller pout

is something that I think we all want to do.

[laid back music]

One of my good friends, Melanie Grant,

is the person that I turn to

with regards to advice for skincare.

She is my skincare guru.

She's also the person that I turn to every few weeks

for a facial.

[laid back music]

I am definitely going to remain brunette forever.

I definitely think, after everything that I've tried,

I'm better off brunette.

[laid back music]

When I created my own beauty line,

it was really about creating what, ultimately,

I can't find in my makeup bag.

What do I want, what do I desire,

what formulas am I desiring,

and what can't I currently find?

So I think it depends, you know,

everything from eye to lip to cheek.

It really is just about creating what I want

and what I desire.

[laid back music]

I exercise five times a week,

and I like to do weight training.

[laid back music]

I like my hair to have a natural bend.

I like it to look quite natural.

So, normally, a natural bend or a simple ponytail.

Thank you so much, Allure.

Thank you for all your questions.

Thank you for having me.